The words we use are very powerful. If we choose to not use the correct vocabulary in our daily events, how then do we expect to identify truth from fiction on large scale events; events such as the economy?
If we accept bailout money from outside countries that have a strong interest in owning the American banking system in conjunction with an already overwhelming national debt. Is it then really still our economy? Ponder the scenario ‘what if we cannot pay back the loans’? What happens to John's car if he doesn't pay his loan back? Most of us would agree that the bank will take back John's car as collateral on the loan. What do you think will happen when we as a country cannot pay back the 11 trillion dollar national debt that we owe? Or even more frightening 'JUST THE INTEREST? You got it! The countries that loaned us the money will take their collateral to secure their holdings. This collateral is ownership in some of the major American financial institutions that play an integral part in what we call The American Economy.
What does this mean? Who can speculate? Many experts believe that our laws and rights will begin to adjust to the laws of our new owners. After all that is what they are most accustomed too. And from their perspective that is what works. After all their ways have not gotten them into our position, so their way must be right, right? So it makes sense that they would believe in their own laws and begin to enforce them.
So now let me ask you. Who is in favor of more bailouts? Who is in favor of loosing our economy to abroad? As Obama so elegantly puts it "Its Time For Change".
Let’s just hope this change is good for the US Economy and not the Global Economy.

Now thats a really great question. The united states is in better shape than the euro zone.