Never Pay For Bottled Water Again!!

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is There Really Money On The Internet?

Watch this video from online expert Ryan Deiss. This video will give you great insight and tips on how to make real money on the internet and the underlying concepts behind his strategy.

If your tired of working for your boss and feel like your going nowhere, maybe its time to start thinking about how you can grow yourself and your future business. We all "can" have our own online business and in my strong opinion, we all should.

The key is to have fun with it. Realize that its a process and that it takes time. Just like any hobby, time flies when your having fun. Learn to see your future business as your new fun hobby, and get to it!

Real quick watch this short video.

Now don't get so caught up in the sales pitch at the end of this next video but grab the killer insights and tips that Ryan Deiss has to share.

OK, no more reading this blog! Its time to get some real meat so go watch this video right now!

You can thank me later!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Killer FTC Interview And What You Need To Know Before Selling Online!

Many of you may have heard that the internet is becoming a great place to make a little side money or even start your very own home based business. The internet is full of quality ads and equally deceptive ads. The Federal Trade Commission has finally decided to take action against the advertisers who are using misleading and deceptive tactics against the unknowing consumers.

For many small business owners this has been a very scary event simply because the word on the web is that the FTC is cracking down so hard that it is going to make honest advertising difficult. Up until this point it has been mainly speculation by many of the top experts, but now we have a chance to listen in on an interview with a member DIRECTLY from the FTC.

What better source that the source itself? :-)

So run over
to this page
and have a listen. Jim provides this interview in a video and an audio format for your added convenience.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Teen Entrepreneurs and The Job Market!

Watch this short video clip from CNN on what Teens are doing to get by in this tough job market. Many of us may be filling that pinch from the old industrial age way of thinking. But rest assured, the information age is bringing about many new ways of making money. This might be a great time to start embracing the internet and start up that part time business. After all, if these teens are doing it without having any real understanding of life or its challenges, how much more would that position you against the market in bringing real life solutions from your life experiences?

In the information age, people WILL PAY for information that helps them to solve their problems and save their valuable time. Why shouldn't you capitalize from that? What makes you think you don't have something to offer?

Till next time,

God Bless.

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The FTC Comes Down! Is It The End of Internet Marketing?

Is this the end of internet marketing as we know it? Many internet marketers are shaking in their boots! For more than a decade the internet has been a great place to make easy money. Its one of the few environments where someone on a shoe string budget can change the outcome of financial situation and literally go head to head with large corporations. The internet has truly acted as a leveling ground giving the small guy a chance to make it big.

But not every internet marketer has good intentions, they get money hungry and throw out all character in their efforts. Money becomes a larger value to them then actually providing real value to their customers. The Federal Trade Commission has recently passed a new law that has many of these internet marketers shaking in their boots!

So the question remains, is internet marketing loosing its power. Can the small guy still make money on the internet?

I have an Exclusive One Hour Podcast from a personal friend of mine in the Internet Marketing Business. He interviews a Legal Attorney that specializes in the Internet Marketing Field over this very topic.

Download Here!

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

A List of Tough Job Interview Questions For Tough Times

by: Thomas Sullivan

The information presented here is designed to provide a benefit to anyone who must answer questions during the dreaded job interview. The main point presented here is that the key to a successful job interview is preparation. The following discussion expounds on this key point.

While some tough job interview questions take us off guard, others we can see coming a mile away. How we answer job interview questions will make the difference between getting and not getting the job. We all have questions that we'd rather not be asked during an interview. But how can one prepare completely for a tough interview?

The answer to this question really comes down to intense preparatory work. In a nutshell, do your homework. Make sure that you know your resume thoroughly and expect questions to come from your work history. Also, expect questions about the company you want to work for and the type of future you want in that company, and finally, expect questions about you. You should use several large lists of questions in preparation for the interview. Below, you will find a list of tough job interview questions, which should be helpful in preparation for the job interview.

While the questions below are pretty standard and can be expected at most job interviews, you should also create your own questions. In creating your questions in preparation for an interview, you really need to sit down and think through what you would ask if you were the interviewer. Remember that the person interviewing you has a job to do as well. If you can provide a good answer to most of the questions below, and to the questions you have created, you have increased the probability of obtaining the job you are seeking.

Obviously during a job interview, regardless of your personality, you need to be congenial and polite. Try not to appear nervous as well. Most importantly, try to appear confident in yourself but not to the point of appearing cocky. Remember, the interviewer is not only trying to select the best candidate for the job, they also want to be sure that you will be compatible with other employees you will be working with. Also, remember that the interviewer is trying their best to find any red flags that may be present in your past work history.

The following is a list of questions you can expect at most job interviews. You most likely will not be asked all of these questions, but you can expect some of them. Many of these questions come from, and some were created by our staff.

Job Interview Questions: Work History

What is the name of the company you worked for and what titles or positions did you hold?

In a nutshell, describe what you did at your previous company.

When were your employed by this company?

What were your expectations for your previous job and to what extent were they met?

What were your starting and final levels of compensation?

What were your responsibilities?

What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?

What did you like or dislike about your previous job?

Which was most and least rewarding?

What was the biggest accomplishment and failure in this position?

Why are you leaving your current job?

Why were you fired?

What was the most enjoyable aspect of your previous job?

Job Interview Questions: About Your Supervisors and Co-Workers.

What was it like working for your supervisor?

What do you expect from a supervisor?

Who was your best boss and who was the worst?

What is the ideal co-worker?

What is the ideal boss?

Job Interview Questions: About You

What is your greatest weakness?

What is your greatest strength?

In terms of your current or last position, describe a typical work week for yourself.

Do you take work home with you?

How many hours do you normally work per week including work completed at home?

How would you describe the pace at which you work?

How do you handle stress and pressure?

In terms of your career, what motivates you to move upward and attain further success?

What are your salary expectations?

What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?

Tell me about yourself.

What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?

What has been your greatest accomplishments in your life?

What are you passionate about?

What are your pet peeves?

What do people most often criticize about you?

When was the last time you were angry? What happened?

If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?

If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?

Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?

Give some examples of teamwork.

Were you responsible for any major projects at your last position, and if so, please describe in a nutshell the project you were responsible for.

What type of work environment do you prefer?

How do you evaluate success?

Have you ever given a work related presentation to a group of people greater then 10, and if so, how did that work out?

If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something how would you handle it?

Describe a difficult work situation or project and how you overcame it.

Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it.

What have you been doing since your last job?

Job Interview Questions: About the New Job and the Company

What interests you about this job?

Why do you want this job?

What applicable attributes or experience do you have?

Are you overqualified for this job?

What can you do for this company?

What do you know about this company?

Why do you want to work here?

What challenges are you looking for in a position?

What can you contribute to this company?

Are you willing to travel?

Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?

How do you plan to move up within our company?

What is the highest level you wish to be promoted within our company?

Why should we select you for this job?

Job Interview Questions: The Future

What are you looking for in your next job?

What are your career goals for the next five years and ten years?

How do you plan to achieve those goals?

How long would you like to stay with our company and why?

What are your salary requirements - both short-term and long-term?

What will you do if you don't get this position?

Once again, the key to a successful job interview is preparation. When you are completely prepared, you will tend to be less nervous. Of course, it is highly likely you will be presented with a question or two that you did not expect. This is why preparation also entails having the knowledge base that you can expect the interviewer will tap into.

Here I am not talking about the knowledge needed to do the job. That should be a given anyway, otherwise you would have not been asked to be at the interview. Here I am talking about knowing yourself and your attitudes, and being able to present your attitudes in a way the interviewer can appreciate. It does not hurt to let the interviewer know what really makes you tick, if the interview goes in that direction.

Make sure that you display an enthusiastic attitude. Make sure you present to the interviewer a willingness to learn and a desire to advance in the company you are about to potentially work for. You do not want to appear as if you are lacking seriousness and definitely do not appear cavalier. Try to appear enthusiastic and positive in a mature and professional way. If you are naturally an enthusiastic and positive type of person, then half the battle is won. The point is to be your self, but try to present the best of who you are.

Remember this, many employers prefer a less educated candidate with fewer credentials who is bright and willing to learn, over one who is more prepared but lacks the proper attitude. A good example of this is the entrepreneur who wants to launch a new business. For him or her who is starting a new venture, hiring someone who is bright and has the right attitude is extremely important. More important then previous education. In this case, the entrepreneur is looking for someone who is not afraid to take risks and is very much goal oriented. Here it is very important that you display to the interviewer your ability to work as part of a team. The 9 to 5 type worker who expects to work basically the same hours 5 days a week would not fit well here. And the interviewer needs to know this.

To conclude, in the end, most interviewers are looking for the right attitude for the job they are trying to fill. If you also have the right credentials along with the right attitude, then your chances are increased tremendously. If you can answer most of the above questions, display an enthusiastic attitude, and present yourself in the best possible way, this should result in you obtaining the job you are seeking.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Your Money Starts With Your Mind - Follow Up Interview

This is a follow up video to the first interview between Tony Robbins, John Reese, and Frank Kern. Tony Robbins talks to John Reese about the mental shift he had to make in his mind to go from making $22,000 in a day to making $1 million dollars in a day 'setting a new standard' for the industry. Watch this 16 minute interview here.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Your Money Starts With Your Mind - Watch This Interview

In this interview Tony Robbins meets with two very successful students, Frank Kern and John Reese. Both of them are self-made multi millionaires who made their fortunes by selling products on the Internet. What’s particularly interesting about both of them is that neither had any “real” education. Neither one finished college and they both went from being broke to becoming wealthy.

And they still continue to thrive in today’s economy. So the purpose of this interview is to uncover the traits that successful people have in common. Specifically, the traits that cause them to take massive action and follow through. As you’ll see, the solution is really quite simple and available to us all.

Interview with Tony Robbins, Frank Kern, and John Reese

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Only Great Minds Can Read This..

Only great minds can read this.

This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

As of Friday August 14, 2009, FDIC is Bankrupt

It was eventually going to happen, despite what all the financial gurus and experts out in the market were saying. Here is a clip from an email that I got from an expert in the financial arena.

As of Friday August 14, 2009, FDIC is Bankrupt

As late as in the end of April just before the release of the bank stress tests, … After three new bank failures last Friday (The Friday before last), the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) diminished by another $185 million for a total remaining balance of $648.1 million…

Tonight's Bank Failures (Last Friday):

Dwelling House Savings and Loan Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $6.8 million.

Colonial Bank, Montgomery, Alabama
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $2.8 billion.

Union Bank, National Association, Gilbert, Arizona
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $61 million.

Community Bank of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $25.5 million.

Community Bank of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada
The cost to the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund is estimated to be $781.5 million.

If indeed $641 million was all that remained of the DIF, the FDIC is now bankrupt. Of the $641 million left, Community bank used up 781.5 million and Colonial Bank $2.8 billion. Moreover, according to analysts at the Royal Bank of Canada the U.S still has banking failures in the thousands to face before the crisis is over.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Glen Beck Speaks - Do You Trust Our Government?

Did you know that you may question ever logging into another government website again? Is there a workaround to this law on the books?

Watch the video below and then commit to doing government work on public computers at your local library. If you borrow someone's computer you will put them at risk. So think creatively; not selfishly.

Help to create a buzz. You may not know what you can do to fight this but someone else might. Someone else might know people that you do not. Someone else might have knowledge that you don't have. Someone else might find a passion that you cannot.

Lets work together and at the very least --> be informed!

As a side note, most of the individuals that donate cars are middle to upper class. Which means the government has the right to backup and analyze any and all information from the citizens that are more established. Protect your money by protecting your information.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

The American Economy.. Its Safe Right?

This depends largely on what you consider to be the American Economy? Are you referring to the economy that exist within the United States or the economy that is being purchased by foreign countries at huge discounts? One spectator might very well be convinced that we are no longer able to consider ourselves an American Economy. It’s all based on ownership right? Doesn't ownership of an asset empower the owner to control that asset? Let me give you an example. Let’s say that John takes a loan from a bank to purchase his dream car but he does not physically have the title of ownership in his possession, then whose car is it really? Is it John's car or the bank's car? So why then does John run around town telling everyone 'hey look at my new BMW'? Does John really have full control of his car, as long as he still owes the bank for it?

The words we use are very powerful. If we choose to not use the correct vocabulary in our daily events, how then do we expect to identify truth from fiction on large scale events; events such as the economy?

If we accept bailout money from outside countries that have a strong interest in owning the American banking system in conjunction with an already overwhelming national debt. Is it then really still our economy? Ponder the scenario ‘what if we cannot pay back the loans’? What happens to John's car if he doesn't pay his loan back? Most of us would agree that the bank will take back John's car as collateral on the loan. What do you think will happen when we as a country cannot pay back the 11 trillion dollar national debt that we owe? Or even more frightening 'JUST THE INTEREST? You got it! The countries that loaned us the money will take their collateral to secure their holdings. This collateral is ownership in some of the major American financial institutions that play an integral part in what we call The American Economy.

What does this mean? Who can speculate? Many experts believe that our laws and rights will begin to adjust to the laws of our new owners. After all that is what they are most accustomed too. And from their perspective that is what works. After all their ways have not gotten them into our position, so their way must be right, right? So it makes sense that they would believe in their own laws and begin to enforce them.

So now let me ask you. Who is in favor of more bailouts? Who is in favor of loosing our economy to abroad? As Obama so elegantly puts it "Its Time For Change".

Let’s just hope this change is good for the US Economy and not the Global Economy.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Your House Got You Down?

The industry coins that home ownership is the best investment that we can have. If its such a great investment, than why are so many people trying to get rid of it?

Lets take a look at this picture in a little more detail.

  • The government encourages home ownership because they reap large revenues from the property tax.
  • The property developers encourage home ownership because each 'sale' puts more money in their pockets.
  • Property Investors encourage home ownership because they reap in large profits from your speculation.
  • Banks encourage home ownership because of the large 'interest bearing' profits that they make from your lack of patience.
  • Employers encourage home ownership because they reap large consistent profits knowing that you are now limited in offers from their competition.
  • Insurance companies encourage home ownership because by law most homes must have insurance without limits of equity.
Are you getting the picture yet? NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!

We all love that favorite radio station WII FM "Whats In It For Me" . If you want to know what a good investment is, then define it by leverage.

How much leverage is your house giving you? Lower taxes? Less insurance? Lower utility bills? Less labor trading work days? Lower cost maintenance? How about a bigger house? Maybe that will give you more leverage? Maybe that will put more money in your pocket? Maybe that will give you more time to learn to invest? More money reserves to multiply?

After all, property values only go up, right? Well at least your investment is protected from the risks of a bad economy, right? No chance of loosing decades of your life to a mortgage default. The banks wouldn't want to profit from your misfortune right?

Ownership does not really exist, only control does. Are you in control?

Think about it...

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Fourth Credit Bureau?

Many people think there are only three major consumer credit bureaus.

  1. Experian
  2. TransUnion
  3. Equifax
But this is in fact NOT TRUE! Did you know that there is a fourth consumer credit bureau? Below is the link you can use to get a copy of your credit report and make sure you are in good standing. Don't let this little industry secret keep you from your financial goals.
Innovis Credit Report

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Gas Meters - Can You Trust Them?

Often we run through our daily busy lives trying to manage the details of our life. Details such as gas meters from our trusted convenience shops often do not cross our mind as a money hole. Did you know that many convenience stores do not check their meters frequently? Did you know that many convenience stores even intentionally and fraudulently adjust their gas meters? How many times have you been taken and not even known it. In today's economy we are holding tightly to our money and it seems everyone else is trying to hold on tightly to our money as well. Spend the next month doing a little math before you drive away after filling up your tank. I recommend getting an even 10 gallons. If the price on the meter reads $2.25 per gallon then you should show a final price of $22.50.

So for now on, make a personal commitment to yourself to stop the gas meter at 1o gallons and do a quick math check before pumping more gas into your vehicle. If the math does not match up, then stop pumping gas and insist on an adjustment to the amount you have paid.

When you think of the money you can save with this little trick over the course of a year, its a great strategy to have in your toolkit. And better yet, demand that the meter be fixed and save someone else from this misfortune.

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